Paid Applications
76 files
This is the Brazilian Portuguese Language Pack for IPS Community Suite 5.0.X and all official Apps. It contains translations for the Admin CP and Front End for the following Apps:
This language pack will be updated with every IPS 5 release or upon requests to translate strings, fix phrases, etc.
- $35.00
- 2 Purchases
Adriano -
Tired of boring messages spread across your site? then liven it up by downloading Sticky Notes, this application will allow you, or if you have selected members, To post global Sticky Notes to other members on your board, Users can easily dismiss each Sticky Note and then can even drag and drop them around their screen
Global Sticky Notes ( ACP )
Create and display unlimited global Sticky Notes to your members Choose what user groups can see each Sticky Note Add a signature ( username and avatar ) to the bottom of each Sticky Note allowing members to see who wrote it, as a clickable link to said profile Choose the colour of each Sticky Note Choose from 9 different positions to show each Sticky Note Set an expiry time and date for each Sticky Note with an option to show it until the user dismisses it Select where to show each Sticky Note from a list of your installed applications or just to show it everywhere (For example only show the Sticky Note when users are browsing the forums or the downloads section etc ) Use a wide range of tags to engage your members more personally Global Sticky Notes Front End Admin
The admin/s can create new global Sticky Notes from the front end via the create menu ( Only admins can use this feature ) Personal Sticky Notes ( MEMBERS )
Allow chosen user groups to send personal Sticky Notes to other members Members can receive an unlimited amount of Sticky Notes All Sticky Notes are dismissable All personal Sticky Notes will automatically add the username and avatar unless you have selected in the ACP to allow anonymous Sticky Notes (read ACP Menu below) Personal Sticky Notes will display the time the note was sent to the member for example "just now", " 5 minutes ago", "4 hours ago", "16th July" and so on Members can either send Personal Sticky notes to members by their hovercard or via their forums topics and you can also send them via the users create menu Each (Nonanonymous) personal Sticky Note has a reply icon allowing users to reply to other members' notes easily Front End ( PERSONAL STICKY NOTES )
Added a link to the user drop-down menu linking to the new tables listed below Shows a table listing all the members who received Sticky Notes with the ability to restore the note bringing it back to life Shows a table listing all the members who sent Sticky Notes with the ability to edit and resend or just resend the Sticky Note, it also shows if the user has dismissed the Sticky Note Members can view all their sent and received Sticky Notes between them and X member All tables can be sorted by time and date and also have an advanced search for members or a time and date stamp Widgets
Show a widget with a list of members who have sent the most Sticky notes Show a widget with a list of members who have received the most Sticky Notes ACP Menu
Sticky Notes (Global including personal) Choose to use either a pin or a bit of sticky tape to hold the Sticky Note Choose to show or hide Sticky Notes on mobile or tablet devices Change the z-index of the Sticky Notes ( This is only needed for some custom themes you might have installed ) Allow users to drag and drop the Sticky Notes around their screen by hovering over the pin and dragging the Sticky Note Personal Sticky Notes Allow members to send anonymous Sticky Notes to other members (admin can view all Sticky Notes in the ACP read below) Read all the Sticky Notes sent by members in a nice and tidy table and you (being the admin) can even view the sender if they sent it anonymous Select what member groups can use personal Sticky Notes Choose from 9 different positions to place the Sticky Notes Mass delete Sticky Notes by either "ALL", "READ", or "UNREAD", by individual members or by chosen user groups Choose the colour of personal Sticky Notes Member Group ACP
Choose how many personal Sticky Notes each member group can send per day, with an unlimited option Members Restrictions ACP
Block individual members from using personal Sticky Notes Block individual members from receiving Sticky Notes- $30.00
- 7 Purchases
Adriano -
This application will allow users to change PRIMARY member groups or add groups to SECONDARY groups in the Moderator Panel. Admins won't have their group changed.
Staff Groups: these groups won't appear as an option to the moderator Allowed groups: the groups can change member groups on ModeratorCP.- $18.00
Adriano -
This application will let other users know you are away for a specific reason. Made specifically for moderation purposes, it can be used by any group to inform that you are away for a few days. Moderators with proper permission can set/remove the AWAY status from other users on their profiles or manage statuses on Moderator CP -> Member Management -> Away tab.
Max number of days the AWAY status will remain. Display the full date format of the Away status Display the full date format of the Away status Make the AWAY REASON required Show AWAY status in posts Display the AWAY status at the top of all pages Allow moderators to enable/disable AWAY status from other members? Groups allowed to use the feature- $20.00
- 3 Purchases
Adriano -
This application empowers file authors and authorized moderators to edit files silently, ensuring that the 'Updated' date remains unchanged when performing quick edits, such as fixing typo errors.
Additionally, administrators have the option (via ACP setting) to grant file authors the ability to adjust file prices and renewal settings, if paid files are permitted in your board.
- $12.00
- 2 Purchases
Adriano -
Are you looking for staff? Developers? Designers? Or anything else? This application will help admins/moderators to find people to help on their boards.
Here's a quick rundown of some of the features of this resource:
Ability to create categories/subcategories
Extra Fields
In Position form
In Application form
Ability to create open positions in draft mode and choose a date to automatically publish it
Module to add Positions on ACP (moderator, web designer, developer, etc)
Ability to inform how many places the position has. Example: you can create an application record to "hire" 3 moderators.
Ability to move the "winner" member to a group chosen group (you inform the group when you're adding the application record)
Ability to restrict the application by Content count, Reputation points/likes, Number of days as a member, Minimum age, and groups
Ability to create a topic at every new application submission.
The module on ModeratorCP to view all pending records from all applications
Compatible with most important features from IPS 4.2 (Recommended Comments, Content Message, Reactions, Member History, Richer Embeds, etc.)
Integrated into the framework: Tag system, Follow System, Report system, Search system, Share Links, etc.
Moderator actions on applications and comments/reviews
Moderator permission to approve/reject applications
Ability to create RSS feeds from member applications
Compatibility to Achievements
Compatibility to Webhooks
Permission: NO ONE except staff (with proper permission) will be able to view/read or know who are the applicants. All that regular members will know is the number of users who applied to it.
- $40.00
- 24 Purchases
Adriano -
This application will create a poll wall to list polls from all applications that support polls, such as Forums, Blogs, Raffles, Quizzes, Videos Directory, Games, Tutorials, Movies, Music, Lyrics, Links Directory, and Crowdfunding, among others.
Users with permission will be able to vote and view poll results.
- $18.00
Adriano -
This application will add a widget to display the most helpful members over the last week, month, year, or always. The widget will include all apps that use the Helpful feature.
Widget configuration:
Number of members to show
- $15.00
Adriano -
A full-featured Tutorials/Article system for your IPS Community.
Here's a quick rundown of some of the features of this application:
Fully compatible with the framework:
Clubs, Reactions, Recommended Comments, Follow categories and tutorials, Content Messages, Search, Tags, Reports, RSS Feed, RSS/Atom Feed Imports, Advertisement, Bulk Mail, Sitemap, etc.
Unlimited categories of articles, plus the unlimited depth of parent-child relationships
Category Image and Icon
Ability to use comments system or support topics, or both
Per-category permissions to show categories, read articles, submit articles, add comments, and avoid approval queues
Extra Fields that can be used per category, grouped (just like profile fields)
Ability to create polls in tutorials
Group permissions on specific actions
Moderator actions on articles and comments
Ability to attach files to tutorials and comments
Ability to quickly convert a forum post into a new tutorial
Ability to copy a tutorial from one category to another or the same category
Friendly URLs for tutorials and categories
Ability to rate tutorials
Ability to follow categories and tutorials to receive notifications on updates
Tools to create topics for existing tutorials, make tutorials of topics, and rebuild support topics text if you have changed the template on Tutorials settings.
And much, much more!
- $40.00
- 27 Purchases
Adriano -
Links Directory is an application that provides your community with a member-driven web directory. Allow members to submit websites for approval in categories you define. Users can comment and rate other member’s submissions. You can also mark websites as official affiliates, fostering traffic between friends.
Submit links to websites along with a title, description, and an image generated from extensible APIs:, WebThumbnail, Thumbshots (requires an API Key), and Upload field. You can also save the image locally, which will reduce the API call. The image is updated when you update the link. The admin can choose if new links are moderated, per category.
Ability to charge per link, integrated into Commerce.
Submit comments to links. Admin can choose if new comments are moderated, per category.
Rate links using the star rating system used throughout the IPS4. Per category setting.
Integrates to Share Links to share or email inks.
Integrates to Google Maps if an address is provided in the link submission (IPS 4.1.13+: Google Map APIs now require an API key. Go to AdminCP -> System -> Community Enhancements to enable Google Maps support)
The ability for users to report potentially offensive content or broken links using the built-in Report Center
Search integration: search links along with the rest of your community’s content
Supports item marking, allowing your users to see what links have been added or commented on
Integrates into Activity Streams.
Supports the built-in tagging system including prefixes.
Support for notifications such as new links and comments on user links.
Ability to follow/like categories and individual links.
Unlimited categories of links, plus the unlimited depth of parent-child relationships
Category Icons
Drag & drop reordering of categories in the ACP.
Per-category permissions to show categories, view links, submit links, add comments, and avoid approval queues
Provide a “link back” code so other websites can link back to yours.
Mark links as official affiliates and display them in a different section on the Links Directory Index
Integrates into IPS4 Moderating system, which all common permissions, such as pin, unpin, delete, feature, move, etc.
Per-category Permissions allow you to specify which permission sets are allowed to view categories, view links, add links, edit links, comment, rate, and avoid moderation at a granular level.
Robust Admin Restrictions.
Integration with the Advertisement system
Integration with the Sitemap system to include links in your sitemap
Ability to create RSS feeds of all links
Integration with ACP Live Seach (Links categories)
Support Extra Fields so you can define different fields per category
Friendly URLs for links and categories
Ability to configure the Links Index page to display the blocks you want
And much, much more!
Each purchase entitles you to the use of Links on one Community installation.
- $40.00
- 36 Purchases
Adriano -
This application allows users to set up automatic replies for personal conversations when they're unavailable. A new option in Account Settings will allow selected user groups to activate the auto-reply feature and customize their response message. When enabled, users will see a global notification about the auto-reply, along with a link to disable it if needed.
Settings (Admin CP):
Display a warning to the user
Groups allowed to use this feature
Exempt groups
Settings (per user on Account Settings):
Enable Auto Reply
Auto reply content
- $18.00
- 2 Purchases
Adriano -
Enhance your user info panel with this powerful, fully customizable application for forum topic posts. You do not need to show all the information; you can choose to show or hide any one of them or just hide them for mobile viewing. You can also choose what user groups can see each piece of information.
User Info Panel
Edit the width of the user info panel between 200px and 350px
Profile Info
Show/Hide the user ID
Show/Hide the user group with color formatting
Personal Info
Show/Hide the user's birthday
Change the birthday view to show the member's age instead
Show/Hide the user joined date
Change the joined date to one saying "With Us For X Days"
Show/Hide the user's online status
Show/Hide the user's last activity
Show/Hide the users timezone
Show/Hide the user's follower count
Show/Hide the user's connected device
Show/Hide the user post count
Show/Hide the user's post-per-day ratio
Show/Hide the user's reputation
Show/Hide the user's amount of leader board members of the day won
Show/Hide the Achievements
Choose to use a gold font for the member of the day
Show/Hide the user's solved content
Show/Hide the user's clubs as icons at the bottom of the user info panel (The club name will appear on hover)
Change the size of the club's icons
Forums application
This version doesn’t show the Number of Topics created and the topics-per-day ratio; it may return in a future version.
This version doesn’t show the secondary group’s names or images; it may return in a future version.
This version doesn’t show profile fields as it is already displayed on userInfoPanel and we can only add new stuff on IPS5; we can’t hide/remove existing stuff so it would show twice.
- $20.00
- 15 Purchases
Adriano -
This application will allow file submitters to view a list of purchasers of their files and optionally add the ability to add purchases for their files manually.
Downloads, with the Commerce integration enabled.
Files per page on the index listing
Purchases per page on file view
Groups allowed to use this feature
Allow file submitters to generate manual purchases for their files
Allow file submitters to enable/disable purchases in their resources
- $18.00
- 2 Purchases
Adriano -
This application will display categories, forums, and subforums within a widget, similar to how other apps like Pages and Downloads do.
Widget configuration:
Number of subforums to display Notes:
Permissions honored: The user will view categories/forums with permission to view. Although it is named Sidebar, the block can also the used in the main area.- $15.00
- 1 Purchases
Adriano -
This application will allow members to create and manage raffles and giveaways on your board.
Ability to choose which type of content per category: only Raffles, only Giveaways, or both
Up to 100 prizes per raffle/giveaway (category setting)
Restrict members participation per raffle/giveaway by:
Tickets per member (raffles only)
Number of participants
Content count
Reputation points/likes
Number of days as a member
Multiple participants per raffle/giveaway (participants can buy more than one ticket (raffle only) to increase their odds)
Unlimited categories of raffles/giveaways with permissions, and extra fields, plus the unlimited depth of parent-child relationships with a lot of settings, permissions, and extra fields
Category Icons
Integrates to Commerce, so you can choose a specific payment gateway, tax, fee, and commission and use multi-currencies
Ability to force users to fill the price in currencies
Ability to switch between currencies with a click to display raffle prices
Raffles Management on ACP: a place where admins can control the status of raffles: activate raffle, change expiration date, and perform mod actions like pin/unpin, lock/unlock, etc
Per member settings: allows to access the app and allows to submit raffles
Per group settings: allows to access the app, how many approved content items must have to access the app, and restrict X raffles/giveaways by a period (day, week, month, and year)
Robust Admin CP Restrictions
Ability to take specific actions when a member is deleted or flagged as a spammer
The ability for users to report potentially offensive content using the built-in Report Center
Supports item marking, allowing your users to see what adverts have been added or commented/reviewed on
Integrates to:
Activity Streams
Share Links
Tag/Prefixs system
Notifications such as new raffles/giveaways, etc
Ability to follow for raffles/giveaways and categories
Search system
ACP Live Seach (categories)
Moderating system, which all common permissions, such as pin, unpin, delete, feature, move, etc., for Raffles, Comments, and Reviews
Ability to create RSS feeds of all adverts
Each purchase entitles you to use the Raffles System on one Community installation.
Be aware that may have local laws regarding paying for the tickets unless you are registered as a non-profit organization, or have special authorization to do so. Some sites like PayPal usually shut accounts down or even take action against the accounts of people using their site in that manner.
- $40.00
- 22 Purchases
Adriano -
Quizzes is a fun (graded quiz - one or multiple right answers) application that allows you and your members to add Quizzes to your forum. With leaderboards, categories, and a unique layout, The Quizzes is sure to be a hit with your members. The Quizzes comes, among other things, with the following features:
Three types of quizzes: graded moded (with time challenge and leaderboard ranking - ONE or MULTIPLE RIGHT ANSWERS and study mode (with no time challenge and leaderboard)
Unlimited categories of quizzes, plus the unlimited depth of parent-child relationships with a lot of settings, including:
Category icon
Extra fields
Minimum and maximum number of questions and answers per quiz
Comments and reviews, including the requirement to play the quiz to submit a review
Tags & Prefixes
The requirement to take quizzes, by:
Number of content items
Number of reputation points/likes
Number of days as a member
Discussion topic: will create a topic when a new quiz is submitted. Also, there's an option to create a reply showing the score/time when someone completes the quiz
Per-category permissions to show categories, view quizzes, submit quizzes, comment, and review quizzes
Per member settings: allows to access the app and allows to submit quizzes
Per group settings: allows to access the app, how many approved content items must have to access the app
Integrates into IPS4 Moderating system, which all common permissions, such as pin, unpin, delete, feature, move, etc.
Robust Admin Restrictions
Type of content field: textarea for plain text or IPS4 editor
Ability to add an image to the quiz question
Ability to set the minimum/maximum title length and description length
The ability for users to report potentially offensive content using the built-in Report Center
Search integration: search adverts along with the rest of your community’s content
Supports item marking, allowing your users to see what adverts have been added or commented/reviewed on
Integrates into Activity Streams
Integrates to Share Links to share
Integration to Member Filters (Bulk Mail, etc.)
Integration with ACP Live Seach (categories)
Support for notifications such as new quizzes, comments, reviews, and when someone completes a quiz
Ability to follow/like categories and individual quizzes
Ability to upload or import an image from a URL to be the Quiz image. The image will be displayed on quiz view, categories, etc.
Quiz protection: the game will be aborted if you leave the current tab/browser. This is to prevent users from searching elsewhere. That's a setting.
Setting to allow users to play a quiz only once
Feedback: you can create funny phrases to be used on Quiz results according to user score
New setting to randomize quiz questions
A new setting to promote members to a group when they reach a specific rank in the quiz
Functional on mobile devices
Raffles System
Members who play the quiz and score 100% on it will earn a ticket to a Raffle chosen by the quiz submitter
The quiz submitter will be able to choose only their raffles
- $40.00
- 36 Purchases
Adriano -
This application will allow your members to upload music tracks to play on their profiles with a nice tidy custom audio player
Adds a custom java-script / jQuery / Ajax music players to user's profiles Allow your members to upload multiple music tracks to their profiles Adds a playlist with all their uploaded music allowing to switch tracks easily Easily edit the track names by clicking and holding the track name in the playlist without having to reload the page Easily re-position the tracks by dragging them and dropping them into your chosen positions The audio player has 5 buttons Repeat ( this will repeat the playing track ) Next ( skip to the next track ) Previous ( go to the last track ) Volume ( Toggles volume bar ) This will show a volume bar that you can drag with 2 more buttons allowing you to turn it up or down Play / Pause ( Does what it says on the tin ) Easily delete each track without having to reload the page ( this will show a pop-up asking to confirm the deletion ) Members can customize their audio player's button/volume/progress bar from a choice of 8 colors that are either solid or with a shadow Set auto play function so members' tracks will auto-play when the page loads Allow members to add other members' tracks to their playlists This will not duplicate or copy any audio files it will just add the ability for the track to be played on other members' playlists Tracks added to playlists via sharing will not count towards the user's uploads count as they are not uploading a new track Members can toggle the ability for other members to add their tracks to their playlists easily via the audio player When a member grants permission for their tracks to be shared a new add to my playlist icon will appear next to their track names If a member adds another member's track to their playlist and the uploader decides to delete their track, the track will also be removed from all playlists it has been added to Admin Member Group Settings ( These are set per group )
Can upload audio tracks Select the maximum upload size per track Select the maximum upload limit per batch of uploads Select the number of total tracks the member can upload altogether- $25.00
- 5 Purchases
Adriano -
This application enables your members to generate coupon codes, offering discounts on their files within the Downloads application.
Main Features
Select what user groups can create coupons ( This is found in the user group settings of the ACP )
Create unlimited coupons
Choose to discount either monetary values or a percentage of the price
Monetary values work in all your used currencies
A maximum of 90% discount is allowed when using a percentage
A coupon's discount CAN NOT exceed the price of the file, if it does then it will not work when trying to redeem that coupon on said file
This could happen if the member sets for example a $10 discount on all files and one of their files only costs $8
Select a start time so members can create future coupon's
Select an expiration time with the option of not expire
Select the maximum uses allowed for each coupon with an option of unlimited uses
Select the maximum times each member can use the coupon with an option of unlimited uses
Select what user groups can use each coupon
Select what files the coupon will work with with an option of all files
Members can only select their files
Coupons created by X member WILL NOT work on Y member files
If a member sets a maximum use to their coupon the value of the uses will subtract when an invoice is created and will increase if the invoice gets canceled
Coupon Usage ( Lets members keep track of their coupons via the Coupon Usage page )
View all coupons used by members.
Shows the member who used the coupon
Shows the file name
Shows the original price of the file
Shows the discount value
Shows the discounted value
Shows if the invoice is paid or pending
- $20.00
- 1 Purchases
Adriano -
This application will add a widget to list the latest files purchased by members.
Widget configurations:
Number of files to display
Groups who can view the block
- $10.00
Adriano -
This application will allow users from specific user groups to add notes to members, to have better control of the member's life in the community.
Adding Notes: Users from specific groups can add notes in 4 places:
In the user Profile, on a new tab called Notes, where notes can be edited or deleted, if you have permission to do it.
In the user card (mini profile), if you have permission to do it.
Directly on member's posts.
In the Admin CP user profile → Member Notes tab.
A new tab called Member Notes on ModeratorCP -> Member Management to display notes from all members, where notes can be edited or deleted if you have permission to do it.
Number of notes on user's card stats (mini profile on hover user link).
Widget to display the latest notes.
A notification to all users who can view notes when someone gets a new note.
Ability to send a private message to the member with the note content.
Ability to send an alert to the member, with a different text, for those who can send alerts.
Group permissions:
Can view notes
Can add notes
Can edit notes
Can delete notes
Display the PM option on the Member Notes form
Display the ALERT option on the Member Notes form
Number of notes per page on the Profile tab
Number of notes per page on the ModeratorCP tab
Since hooks cannot be used, the option to display the number of notes on user’s posts has been removed in this version. A request was made to IPS so it may come back someday if IPS provides a way to do it.
- $20.00
- 2 Purchases
Adriano -
This application adds the ability to schedule comments for any content type within your board, such as posts in topics and comments in Downloads, Blogs, Pages, Gallery, Events, and in all 3rd-party apps that support Comment systems, like Tutorials, Videos Directory, Links Directory, Games, Movies, Music, Lyrics, Staff Applications System, Raffles System, Quizzes, and several others.
Admin CP & Front End: you can choose the content item, type the comment content, and a date/hour to post the comment. You can also change the schedule status to PAUSED, which means it won’t be posted while paused. Admin CP: Beyond that, you can choose who will be the comment author and if you want to post it anonymously. Front End: If you’re a user with permission to use the application (a moderator with proper permission or a user from chosen groups by the admin), you will be the content author. You can however choose if the comment will be posted anonymously if you have permission to do so. Setting up a cron job is highly recommended to make sure the comment will be posted at the desired time.
Task frequency (in minutes) Number of days to delete completed schedules Number of schedule records to be displayed on ACP and in the front end Type of user to use the schedule system: moderators or specific user groups- $30.00
- 2 Purchases
Adriano -
This application enables the file's author, as well as moderators with the necessary permissions, to set the desired order for the screenshots within the download file.
Downloads app.
- $18.00
- 3 Purchases
Adriano -
This application will restore a feature from IP. Download 2.5.X (IP.Board 3.4) will display files and member reports.
All members who downloaded a file
All files a member has uploaded
All files a member has downloaded
- $18.00
Adriano -
Take notice of the content submitted by guests using the new IPS 4.4 feature, Post Before Registering. A popup will display the guest's submitted content; however, it will only include the details entered in the CONTENT/DESCRIPTION field, not the complete topic or article fields.
Places where the content is shown:
Admin CP Community module
Front-end: Moderator CP (for moderators with proper permissions)
View the list
View the content of the posted item
Delete the item/comment before it goes live
Ban the IP address used in the post
Ban email address used in the post
Items per page
- $18.00
Adriano -
This application enables admins to send bulk private messages to targeted user groups.
PM Settings:
Allow reply & add a copy to the author's Inbox folder
PM Filters:
Groups to send the PM
Include Secondary Groups
Content Count
Reputation Points
Joined Date
Last Visit to the Site
Profile Fields:
You can filter members by profile fields
- $18.00
- 2 Purchases