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Paid Applications

68 files

  1. This application will give the admin the ability to choose a group to move the member when:
    an administrator bans the member permanently on their ACP profile
    a moderator bans the member via the Warn System by choosing the option Suspend from accessing the site -> Indefinitely.
    Group to move the members
    • $15.00
  2. This application allows users to set up automatic replies for personal conversations when they're unavailable. A new option in Account Settings will allow selected user groups to activate the auto-reply feature and customize their response message. When enabled, users will see a global notification about the auto-reply, along with a link to disable it if needed.

    Settings (Admin CP):
    Display a warning to the user
    Groups allowed to use this feature
    Exempt groups
    Settings (per user on Account Settings):
    Enable Auto Reply
    Auto reply content
    • $18.00
    • 1 Purchases
  3. This application will allow users to change PRIMARY member groups or add groups to SECONDARY groups in the Moderator Panel. Admins won't have their group changed.
    Staff Groups: these groups won't appear as an option to the moderator Allowed groups: the groups can change member groups on ModeratorCP.
    • $18.00
  4. This application will add a new Contact Us form.
    Ability to use permission-based departments, so you can choose which user groups can use each department.
    Ability to send to everyone in any group by department
    Ability to add several emails by department
    Post topic to forum by department (Forums required)
    Ability to add Extra Fields to the form and choose their position (before or after regular fields)
    Custom email template
    Due to removing the Commerce Ticket System by IPS, this version won't create a support ticket.
    • $20.00
    • 1 Purchases
  5. Users will be moved to a chosen group after purchasing a file.
    Source groups
    Destination group
    • $10.00
    • 1 Purchases
  6. This application allows you to display members celebrating their birthdays who meet the following criteria:
    Content Item Count
    Reputation Points
    Achievements Points
    Active in the latest X days
    The widget will be visible only the profile setting Enable birthdays? is set to:
    Show birthdays to all in user profiles: will show the widget to everyone.
    Show birthdays only to admins and the member themselves: will show the widget to admins only.
    Disable birthdays in user profiles: will not show the widget at all.
    • $15.00
    • 1 Purchases
  7. This application will let other users know you are away for a specific reason. Made specifically for moderation purposes, it can be used by any group to inform that you are away for a few days. Moderators with proper permission can set/remove the AWAY status from other users on their profiles or manage statuses on Moderator CP -> Member Management -> Away tab.
    Max number of days the AWAY status will remain. Display the full date format of the Away status Display the full date format of the Away status Make the AWAY REASON required Show AWAY status in posts Display the AWAY status at the top of all pages Allow moderators to enable/disable AWAY status from other members? Groups allowed to use the feature
    • $20.00
    • 2 Purchases
  8. This application will preserve the identity of your moderators by using a generic user as the author of warnings.
    Only moderators with permission Can issue warnings? can view the real moderator on warning details. Warned members won't be aware of the real moderator who issued the warning: the user will not see the moderator's identity in the warning details or the email notification received. The generic moderator does not have to be a moderator; you can choose a regular member. Real moderators will be back on the application uninstall. NOTE:
    Since hooks cannot be used, this version removes the option to set a moderator per warning reason.
    • $15.00
  9. This appication will give the admin the ability to create a TOP POSTER CONTENT block similar to the Popular Contributors block, using any of the contents available on their board. You can use more than one block on every page.
    Filters: The records can be filtered by:
    Today Week Month Year All Time Content Type: The following content will be automatically recognized and will be available to be used in blocks:
    Forums: Top Topics Starter Forums: Top Posters Gallery: Top Images Submitter Downloads: Top Files Submitter Blog: Top Entries Starter Calendar: Top Events Starter Pages: Top Records Starter Content Type - 3rd party: It will also work with any 3rd party app that meets the requirement for IPS4 Content Item, such as:
    Tutorials Videos Directory Links Directory Movies Games Raffles Quizzes Recipes Books Etc. Those options will appear if you have the application installed on your IPS5 installation.
    Settings per widget block:
    Block title Number to show Type of Content Groups allowed to view the block
    • $20.00
  10. This application will create a widget to display the real-time Bitcoin Price Index (BPI) in USD, GBP, and EUR.
    Widget configurations:
    Choose the currencies to be displayed: United States Dollar (USD) British Pound Sterling (GBP) Euro (EUR) Display the last updated date Display disclaimer Note:
    The support for this resource will continue as long as the API remains operational.
    • $15.00
  11. This application generates a new topic each time a user receives a warning. For users who have been previously warned, it will add a new post to their existing topic.
    Topic/Post Author Topic Title Post Content, with several variables to be used Increment author content count Forum (where to create the topic/posts) Groups (users for whom a topic will be created upon receiving a warning)
    • $18.00
  12. This application adds a tab to the navigation allowing your chosen member groups to view all your board members in a tidy grid view.
    Adds a tab to the navigation bar Shows a list of your registered members Search the member's content at the click of a button Display birthdays from the current day Display the online status of members Show a list of the member's information on your board Shows the user's group Shows the user's member ID Shows the user's follower count Shows the user's content count Shows the users post per day ratio Shows the number of members of the days the user has won Shows the users' joined date Shows the number of days the user has been registered to the site Shows the member's online status Shows the member's last activity Shows the member's birthday Shows the member's age Shows the members timezone Shows the member's last used device Show a list of the member clubs they have joined All the information above can be shown or hidden in the ACP. You can also choose what user groups can view each bit of information Sort the list by Joined date Post count Username Member Group Custom sort by Member name Post count ( ANY, MORE THAN x AMOUNT, LESS THAN x AMOUNT, EXACTLY x AMOUNT ) Reputation points ( ANY, MORE THAN x AMOUNT, LESS THAN x AMOUNT, EXACTLY x AMOUNT ) Joined date ( BETWEEN ) Last visit ( BETWEEN ) Last post ( BETWEEN ) Choose what user groups can use/view the members tab
    • $20.00
    • 3 Purchases
  13. This application lets users receive notifications whenever new topics matching their monitored keywords are created. Users can enter their keywords, which will be checked against the topic title, through a new module within the Account Settings section.
    Administrators can view all keywords the members are using on an ACP module.
    Forums where new topics will be monitored Groups allowed to monitor new topics Maximum keywords allowed per member
    • $20.00
    • 1 Purchases
  14. With the appropriate 'Can Use IP Tools?' permission, moderators can now view all IP addresses associated with a member directly from their profile in a dedicated tab. This feature also enables moderators to ban these IPs directly from the same screen, accessible on the forum side. Only moderators with the 'Can Use IP Tools?' permission will see this IP address list, which will appear as a link on the member's profile card.
    Allow profile owner to view the list: only moderators with permission Can use IP tools? enabled can view the IP Addresses list. If you enable this, the profile owner will also be able to view the IP Addresses list but he won't see the links to BAN the IP and to USAGES of the IP.
    • $20.00
  15. Tired of boring messages spread across your site? then liven it up by downloading Sticky Notes, this application will allow you, or if you have selected members, To post global Sticky Notes to other members on your board, Users can easily dismiss each Sticky Note and then can even drag and drop them around their screen
    Global Sticky Notes ( ACP )
    Create and display unlimited global Sticky Notes to your members Choose what user groups can see each Sticky Note Add a signature ( username and avatar ) to the bottom of each Sticky Note allowing members to see who wrote it, as a clickable link to said profile Choose the colour of each Sticky Note Choose from 9 different positions to show each Sticky Note Set an expiry time and date for each Sticky Note with an option to show it until the user dismisses it Select where to show each Sticky Note from a list of your installed applications or just to show it everywhere (For example only show the Sticky Note when users are browsing the forums or the downloads section etc ) Use a wide range of tags to engage your members more personally Global Sticky Notes Front End Admin
    The admin/s can create new global Sticky Notes from the front end via the create menu ( Only admins can use this feature ) Personal Sticky Notes ( MEMBERS )
    Allow chosen user groups to send personal Sticky Notes to other members Members can receive an unlimited amount of Sticky Notes All Sticky Notes are dismissable All personal Sticky Notes will automatically add the username and avatar unless you have selected in the ACP to allow anonymous Sticky Notes (read ACP Menu below) Personal Sticky Notes will display the time the note was sent to the member for example "just now", " 5 minutes ago", "4 hours ago", "16th July" and so on Members can either send Personal Sticky notes to members by their hovercard or via their forums topics and you can also send them via the users create menu Each (Nonanonymous) personal Sticky Note has a reply icon allowing users to reply to other members' notes easily Front End ( PERSONAL STICKY NOTES )
    Added a link to the user drop-down menu linking to the new tables listed below Shows a table listing all the members who received Sticky Notes with the ability to restore the note bringing it back to life Shows a table listing all the members who sent Sticky Notes with the ability to edit and resend or just resend the Sticky Note, it also shows if the user has dismissed the Sticky Note Members can view all their sent and received Sticky Notes between them and X member All tables can be sorted by time and date and also have an advanced search for members or a time and date stamp Widgets
    Show a widget with a list of members who have sent the most Sticky notes Show a widget with a list of members who have received the most Sticky Notes ACP Menu
    Sticky Notes (Global including personal) Choose to use either a pin or a bit of sticky tape to hold the Sticky Note Choose to show or hide Sticky Notes on mobile or tablet devices Change the z-index of the Sticky Notes ( This is only needed for some custom themes you might have installed ) Allow users to drag and drop the Sticky Notes around their screen by hovering over the pin and dragging the Sticky Note Personal Sticky Notes Allow members to send anonymous Sticky Notes to other members (admin can view all Sticky Notes in the ACP read below) Read all the Sticky Notes sent by members in a nice and tidy table and you (being the admin) can even view the sender if they sent it anonymous Select what member groups can use personal Sticky Notes Choose from 9 different positions to place the Sticky Notes Mass delete Sticky Notes by either "ALL", "READ", or "UNREAD", by individual members or by chosen user groups Choose the colour of personal Sticky Notes Member Group ACP
    Choose how many personal Sticky Notes each member group can send per day, with an unlimited option Members Restrictions ACP
    Block individual members from using personal Sticky Notes Block individual members from receiving Sticky Notes
    • $30.00
    • 6 Purchases
  16. This application allows admins to select content (categories, items, clubs, and members) that new members will automatically follow upon account creation or validation, based on your configuration.
    Basic Settings:
    Frequency of notifications. Let others see that the user follows the content. Apps supported:
    All apps that their containers (categories) and content items (topics, images, files, blog entries, records, adverts, tutorials, videos, etc.) can be followed. A tab to follow Clubs and Members will also appear as an option. Specific Apps:
    Pages: Each database will be displayed in its own tab. Gallery: Albums will appear in addition to categories and images. Note:
    The app tabs will appear only if the corresponding app is installed and enabled.
    • $20.00
    • 1 Purchases
  17. This application will display records from Wikipedia (Example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/February_25)
    ONLY ENGLISH IS SUPPORTED IN THIS WIDGET Support will be provided while the API is available and functional, otherwise, the resource will be dropped from Marketplace. Widget Configurations:
    Type of records to show Births Events Deaths Sorting records Newest records first Oldest records first Display links to wikipedia.org in the records Number of records to show You can use more than one instance of the widget per page.
    • $15.00
  18. Based on the Unread Content stream, this application will display how many unread items you have on the board. The counter is linked to the Unread Content stream.
    Display counter when there is no unread content Display "99+" instead of a very long number if the user has a lot of unread content items Cache time (in minutes) Show counter to chosen groups Per user configuration:
    "Users have the option to disable the counter display in Account Settings if they prefer. NOTE:
    Since hooks cannot be used, the option to reset the counter when using the Mark all content as read has been removed in this version.
    • $18.00
    • 1 Purchases
  19. This application will allow admins to change a member's joined date in profiles (front-end and ACP).
    Only admins with no restriction to edit member's profile on ACP can change member joined date in front-end Setting:
    Restrict the minimum date to the board start date?
    • $18.00
  20. This application adds the ability for admins to edit forums directly on the public side, removing the need to access the Admin Control Panel.
    Only users who can access the Admin CP and aren't restricted on 'Can edit forums?' can use this feature. Compatible with any 3rd party app/plugin that adds a tab on forums. A log is created at every forum edit, as already happens on Admin CP.
    • $18.00
    • 2 Purchases
  21. This application will display categories, forums, and subforums within a widget, similar to how other apps like Pages and Downloads do.
    Widget configuration:
    Number of subforums to display Notes:
    Permissions honored: The user will view categories/forums with permission to view. Although it is named Sidebar, the block can also the used in the main area.
    • $15.00
    • 1 Purchases
  22. This application will display a widget showing the remaining number of files to be downloaded when the user group has a restricted number of downloads in the Downloads application.
    • $15.00
    • 1 Purchases
  23. This application enables moderators (with alert permission) to send alerts to multiple members. By default, alerts can be sent to an individual member or an entire group.
    Number of members to send the alert
    • $18.00
    • 1 Purchases
  24. Let your members set their profile backgrounds.
    Max image file size Select what groups can use profile backgrounds
    • $18.00
  25. This application will allow users from specific groups to directly send emails to others via their profiles.
    • $18.00

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