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Scheduled Comments 1.0.0

$30.00 · Renewal Term: $15.00/12 months

(1 review)

6 Screenshots

This application adds the ability to schedule comments for any content type within your board, such as posts in topics and comments in Downloads, Blogs, Pages, Gallery, Events, and in all 3rd-party apps that support Comment systems, like Tutorials, Videos Directory, Links Directory, Games, Movies, Music, Lyrics, Staff Applications System, Raffles System, Quizzes, and several others.

  • Admin CP & Front End: you can choose the content item, type the comment content, and a date/hour to post the comment. You can also change the schedule status to PAUSED, which means it won’t be posted while paused.
  • Admin CP: Beyond that, you can choose who will be the comment author and if you want to post it anonymously.
  • Front End: If you’re a user with permission to use the application (a moderator with proper permission or a user from chosen groups by the admin), you will be the content author. You can however choose if the comment will be posted anonymously if you have permission to do so.

Setting up a cron job is highly recommended to make sure the comment will be posted at the desired time.


  • Task frequency (in minutes)
  • Number of days to delete completed schedules
  • Number of schedule records to be displayed on ACP and in the front end
  • Type of user to use the schedule system: moderators or specific user groups


Requested and sponsored by @joeym

User Feedback

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joeym Advanced Member


   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

It's been a delightful project.

Enabling the opportunity to set up posts on the fly, will be very helpful to me. The fact that it has many types of comments/posts just adds to its further ability to help generate content when you know in advance you will be busy.

This application works flawlessly; it's very powerful and feature-rich. It's a useful addition to any community. 

Well worth the price too. 👍🏻

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